
2009-2010 Procedures

Morning Procedures

1. Put away bag, lunch, and coat
2. Put snack in the snack bin
3. Greet the teacher
4. Come in quietly
5. Turn in your “Go Home” folder
6. Gather your Journal and a Pencil
7. Meet on the Rug
8. Be Respectful, Responsible, and Ready to Learn

Bathroom Procedures

1. Try and use during an appropriate time (when you are not in the middle of
2. If you can’t wait then go
3. Knock before entering, if door is closed
4. listen
5. enter, and flush when finished
6. wash hands
7. return to your work quietly


1. Respect others with your silence
2. Shut your locker quietly
3. Control your body by walking and keeping your hands and feet to yourself
4. Be responsible for your personal belongings—shoes, lunch, backpack, and

Lining Up/Walking

1. Pick up before you get in line
2. Walk to the next spot in line/ do not cut
3. Control your body- keep your hands and feet to yourself
4. walk and watch for students in front of you
5. walk in a single file quiet line

Group Work

1. Respect group members
2. stay with your group
3. speak with a soft voice
4. listen to each other and work together
5. give ideas, don’t just keep them in your head
6. follow directions and expectations given by the teacher


1. Remain in your seat/spot
2. Be quiet
3. show respect and focus your complete attention on the speaker
4. be in control of your body
5. participate appropriately

Work Time Procedures

1. gather the necessary materials from the self for ONE work at a time
2. Find a spot at a table or rug and begin to work quietly
3. you may sit near a friend if you stay on task and are still able to do your
4. when you finish the work, return materials to their proper places and in
better condition than when you found them

Indoor recess

1. use a soft voice
2. keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself
3. walk at all times
4. choose an activity to do
5. respect classroom materials
6. when you are told to do so, clean up all materials, leaving the room
in better shape than when you found it

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