Open House Letter

Welcome to Montessori 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade!

I’m Mr. Norman and this is my sixth year of teaching at West Ottawa. I am very excited to be at Waukazoo and teaching Montessori. Below is some important information for the school year, and I will be posting other information on the class website.

Here is the link.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What homework does my child need complete?

Homework for the school-year will be as follows:

Reading Monday through Friday-

*1st Graders read 20 minutes
*2nd Graders read 25 minutes
*3rd Graders read 30 minutes

Spelling words will be added in late October, after we have finished the MEAP test.

If you feel that your child needs more homework he/she can write a short response to what was read in a journal. This should take no more 10-15 minutes. Reading with expression to your children or having an older sibling read to them is also a great learning experience. Occasionally, unfinished project work may be sent home.

How will snacks be administered?

Students should bring their own snack each day. If during the year a student forgets their snack they will be given 3 chances for a free snack.

Can my son/daughter bring a water bottle?

Yes. We will keep them by the drinking fountain.

What if I need to send a note/papers/etc. to school?

Students will be bringing a “Go-Home” folder to and from school each day. This is specifically for sending things to and from school. Mr. Norman will provide this folder. You should see it in your child’s back pack after the first day.

When and how can I volunteer?

Mr. Norman will be scheduling volunteers in later October, as soon as MEAP is done. Volunteers may come in to do spelling tests, read with students, or other occasional activities. Parents should sign up as a volunteer with Mr. Norman. Also, volunteering will only be open during work plan times in the A.M.

Will my child need slippers or indoor shoes for the classroom?

This is optional. If you choose to provide your child with an inside pair of shoes, please make sure they can be worn outside, in the case of a fire drill or some other event where we need to exit the school quickly.

Can my child bring school supplies?

I have tried to provide everything we will need for the school year, but if you would like to bring a few things small things, make sure it is labeled. These extra supplies will be kept in the lockers. Also, the class blog has list of supplies that will help the classroom run smoothly this year, we would appreciate any help in that department.

Other announcements:

I am not scheduling individual parent meetings before fall conferences. This year they are almost exactly one month after the start of the school year.
October 12th 1 - 5 PM,
October 13th 5 - 8 PM,
October 15th 5 - 8 PM,

However, I am always available by phone or email, and I am willing to meet when pertinent. Thank you for visiting tonight and I am truly excited and inspired to teach your children!

I look forward to getting to know you and your family,

Mr. Norman
786 1828

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