Tall Tales

Tall Tales:

Exaggerated stories with larger than life characters

Pecos Bill: he “invented” the lasso, tamed and rode a cyclone, used a rattlesnake as a whip (southwest U.S.)

Paul Bunyan: Very Big, created the grand canyon by dragging his axe handle,

Iron John: Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale (German)

Mike Fink: river-boatman who was real tough (ohio)

John Henry: John Henry is an American mythical (usually African-American) folk hero,

Johnny Kaw: is a mythical Kansas settler, big like Paul Bunyan said to have dug the Kansas River Valley, planted wheat, invented sunflowers, and grown giant potatoes

Big Joe Mufferaw was a French Canadian folk hero Joe had a "pet frog who was bigger than a horse, and barked like a dog."

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