Mean, median, Mode & Santa Fe Vocab

This is what we have been working on in Math and Reading.
A sample of the notes.

Maximum= the largest value

Minimum= the smallest value

Range = difference between the Max and Min (Maximum - Minimum = Range)


Median (middle number or numbers) count in from the outsides, even has two numbers in the middle, odd has one


median = 15

Mode= most frequent value (which # you see the most) 4,4,3,2,1,0,5,5,7,5,2,1

Mean (Average) = Add all numbers and divide by the total number of values

In your journal--

What are the landmarks for this set of #’s?

13, 21,33,44,45,45,67,89, 99,

Min_____ Max______ Range_____

Median______ Mode______


Santa Fe Trail


epidemic: the sudden appearance of a disease that spreads quickly and wildly.

emigrant: leaving one’s own country or region to settle in another

vast: very great in size, huge or enormous

wallow: a pool of water or mud that animals roll in, usually to cool off.

caravan: a group of travelers journeying together for safety

mesa: a high a area of land that has steep sides and a flat top. (table in Spanish)

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