Montessori Confirmation

still waiting to hear from a couple people.

also the first post had an email error.---

Below is a letter we are sending home a letter that helps us plan for next year's student numbers. If you are planning to stay in Montessori at Waukazoo, could you please email Mrs. Zeinstra with confirmation?

her email address

Below is a copy of the note from the Principal----

February 26, 2013

Dear Waukazoo Montessori Families,

As the Montessori team begins to prepare for the 2013-2014 school year, it is important for us to know whether we should hold a spot for your child to continue in our Montessori classrooms!  

I am asking that you please confirm your participation in our Montessori program by March 15th.  You may confirm your child’s participation in our program one of two ways; e-mail the below information to Maribeth Zeinstra , or you may return the below slip confirming your child’s participation. 

As I am sure you are aware, our Montessori program continues to grow, and several students are currently on the wait-list for the 2013-2014 school year.  If we do not hear from you by March 15th, I cannot guarantee your child’s enrollment in our program.

We will be hosting an open house in April for all families with a child who will be transitioning to a new Montessori classroom during the 2013-2014 school year, Kindergarten to Lower Montessori  or Lower Montessori to Upper Montessori.  Open house details will be sent to all families upon confirmation of your child’s participation in our program. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.


 Ami L. Taylor

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