Celebration of Learning 2013

Celebration of Learning Topic:
Vertebrate or Invertebrate, You pick!
for example: 
a Bottlenose dolphin  (be specific, not just a dolphin)

Last year I found out that when students worked on their projects at home we all had totally unique and surprising projects! 

deadline is March 25, 
the day before the celebration, feel free to drop it off earlier if you finish before then.

The Actual day of the Celebration is Tuesday March 26, from 4:00 - 5:30pm, 
Mrs. Kearns will have the students sing some songs and then we will have a sort of open house that displays student work.

Ideas. (feel free to do something unique and creative)

1. A diorama
2. a poster
3. a sculpture
4. dress up like your animal
5. make a book
6. a mobile
7. come up with your own idea

1. can I do more than one of these? (yes) 
2. do I have to do more than one? (no)
3. can mom and dad help? (of course)
4. can I do it by myself (of course)

5. what if we already have plans, or are out of town? 
that's ok, you will still pass to the next grade :)

6. what is the point?

The goal is to learn more about an animal and have fun doing it. 
No stress. Make it fun. Start it early. Follow your interests, make it an exploration
celebrate children being creative and learning at the same time!

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