Celebration of Learning 2012

We tried this last year and I worked out really well. We all had totally unique and surprising projects! Here is the assignment this year.

Celebration of Learning Topic:
Michigan History
This can involve culture, economy, geography, anything that relates to Michigan!

Here are some ideas, the deadline is March 26, the day before the celebration

The Actual day of the Celebration is March 27, from 4:30pm - 5:30pm,


1. A diorama
2. a poster
3. a food dish that you helped cook
4. dress up in a traditional costume,
5. make a book
6. write a personal story from an earlier period in Michigan
7. make a model of a famous building
8. create a piece of art in the tradition of a Michigan artist
9. or come up with your own creativeness soon!
10. can I do more than one of these? (yes) do I have to do more than one? (no)

P.S. The goal is to learn more about Michigan and have fun doing it. No stress. Make it fun. Start it early. Follow your interests.

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