NEW! Drop off procedure

Student Safety for
Morning Drop-Off Parking!!!

This is the procedure for MORNING ONLY drop-offs.

• There will be ONE row of parking, on the left hand side.

• The right hand parking will be used as a drop-off line. It will NOT be
for parking.

• The center lane will continue to be the driving lane, used to pull into
and back out of parking spaces for the left hand side.

Parents who walk their children into school should pull into a parking space or use the
back parking lot as an option. Playground doors will be open at 8:30

Parents dropping off their children must pull forward as far as possible in the drop-off
line. Do not leave space between your car and the first drop-off space.

Please stay in the “DROP OFF LINE” until you exit the lot, for the safety of everyone
walking in.

Please use extreme caution and drive SLOWLY when entering and exiting the parking lot
as everyone adjusts to this new system.

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