Great First Day!

Don't forget that Tuesday's are gym day, gym shoes are required-- no big deal if you didn't know, it was the first day!
A folder should come home and then back to school everyday in your child's back pack. This is the "go home folder"-- great for things like lunch money or notes to Mr. Norman. Spelling homework will not start for a few weeks, reading homework for the school year is as follows.

Mon- Fri
(if they are reading more than this on their own, that's fine, these times are developmentally appropriate for the age groups)

1st grade = 15 min. with someone or alone, depending on level-- reading to them is fine, but make it fun!
2nd grade = 20 min usually more independent, but if they need help, go ahead-- try to find a book where they can read most words without help.
3rd grade= 30 min. usually chapter book, again level depends,

I recommend going to the library when you have time and trying some non-fiction, and fiction books. Let them pick some and you pick some too. Again let their interest drive most of the choices, but help with the levels.

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