Welcome to the 2011-12 school year

Welcome back and Welcome to Waukazoo!

I can't wait to see everyone at the Waukazoo open house from 6-8 pm on Wednesday, August 31st. See you there!

below is some important information for families that are new to our classroom.


I will try to answer some of the basic questions here but free to email me with specific concerns. The easiest form of communication for me is email, especially once the school day has begun.

my school email: normant@westottawa.net
my school phone: 786-1828
rm. 122
class blog:


(this is where I post pictures, announcements, and so forth)

Phone calls are welcomed and I will return them as soon as I can. If you have an emergency contact the Waukazoo Office.
@ 786- 1800

I will need some volunteers at various times during the year. A few for field trips, and a few for spelling tests on Fridays. I try to accommodate every one that wants to help, and some things we need donated during the year will be posted on the class blog. I will not have any parent volunteer needs in the classroom until after the MEAP test is done. (mid October) If something comes up I will post it on the blog and it usually is first come first serve.

I really enjoy teaching and learning along with my students. I chose this profession on purpose and I’m always amazed at the end of the year how much your children have grown and learned, and how much I miss them over the summer. I had great support and confidence from my parents last year and hope to continue that lovely feeling this year.

The beginning of the school year is a bit nerve-racking for every one. Please, help your child feel reassured by reminding them to take it one day at a time. If you forget something, or your child forgets something, don’t worry we are all just getting back into the groove. Everything will be O.K.
And like I mentioned earlier, email me with questions and I’ll get back to you as soon as a I can.

Some things you need, or need to know

1. gym shoes to leave at school

2. daily snack ( this is an individual snack for the morning)
if you forget it, lunch is just around the corner.

3. a backpack to carry the “go home folder”
(this goes back and forth daily, another way to communicate.)

4. Homework for the year,

spelling tests on Fridays for all grades (will not start right away)

1st grade read 15 minutes with a parent or older brother/sister (low stress/make it fun)
2nd grade read 20 minutes
3rd grade 30 minutes or more if student chooses.

My personal info:

My wife Kathryn and I have been married for 12 years and we have 5 children. I grew up on the North Side of Holland, and graduated from W.O.H.S. This is my eighth year as a teacher at West Ottawa, I also went to Waukazoo elementary as a child, around 1989. I have a bachelor's degree in Fine Art from the University of Michigan and Masters in Elementary Ed. from G.V.S.U. My Montessori certification is through North American Montessori Center. I enjoy painting, wildlife, running and spending time with family. In the summers we like to visit Northern Michigan, specifically Arbutus Lake, near Traverse City. I look forward to year of building strong relationships with you and your family. See you again soon.


Mr. Norman

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