Celebration of Learning: Country Project

We will be creating a project for our celebration of learning

Here are some ideas, the deadline is March 21, which is the day before the celebration

The Actual day of the Celebration is March 22, from 4-5pm,


1. A diorama representing your country
2. a poster about your country
3. a food dish that you helped cook (this can be brought to school on the 22nd)
4. dress up like in a traditional costume,
5. make a book about your country
6. write a personal story as if you were from this country.
7. make a model of a famous building from this country
8. create a piece of art in the tradition of an artist or culture from this country
9. create a poster about life in this country in ancient times
10. or come up with your own creativeness soon!
11. can I do more than one of these? (yes) do I have to do more than one? (no)

Tucker Germany
Brayden Guatemala
Ella Columbia
Grayson Netherlands
Ashlyn Brazil
Abby Romania
Jonathan Poland
Laine England
Lilly Jamaica
Kenny Kenya
Dorien Chile
Layne Turkey
Eli Russia
Trinity Argentina
Marissa South Africa
Kyle Uruguay
Kayla peru
Emmah france

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