Familly Tree project - paper coming home

This is an online copy of what you will receive in the "go home folder"
Due date Dec. 4th (you can turn it in before, too)

Link to ancestry.com

Things that will help get your family tree poster done:

1. Poster board (A color that makes a good background)
2. Rubber cement (use with adult supervision) it doesn’t make the paper wrinkle
3. Colorful things that express your family history (that you don’t care too
much about, if they fall off and so forth)
4. Pictures of family members
5. Short stories, anecdotes, maps,
6. Go on Ancestry.com and start a tree. Get as far as you can (will require
adult help) Print out a small version for the poster, or just use it to
get organized.
7. Make it a fun project for the whole family—don’t stress about it
8. The goal is to learn about your family history, if that happens it is a
9. I provided a rubric, for guidance, read it over for help.
10. Turn it in when you are done with it. (By or Before Dec. 4th)
11. We are doing this as part of our Social Studies unit (1st grade curriculum
this year) on families.
12. Think about how your family ended up here, and why people move from one
place to another.

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