Welcome letter

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to fifth grade! I am excited to get the school year started, and can’t wait to get to know my new fifth graders! Because you are fifth graders I assume that you and your parents know most of the school procedures, but if you have any questions please email me or call me. School starts at 8:20 am and ends at 3:23 pm.

For Homework this year I want you to read every weeknight (mon-fri) for at least 20 minutes. This homework assignment lasts all year long, but don’t worry you will get used to it. I will send home a monthly calendar for you to check off the days you read. This is not meant to be stressful for children or parents. I just want you to read every weeknight, please. If I assign any other homework you can skip that night only.

Parents, you don’t have to wait until conferences if you would like to speak with me. I look at learning as a collaborative experience. This will be a great year for learning for everyone. I learn along with the students, the students learn along with me.

Email address:

by far the easiest way to communicate if you have access.


Class Phone #:

leave a voicemail or if I’m available we’ll talk.


Class Website:

this has links to what we will be studying this year as well as classroom news.


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