WEEK of SEPT 25th

Hello all,

Last week we worked on squaring and unsquaring numbers as well as factor review. In Language Arts we finished the Toolbox and we are ready for the Meap on Oct. 9th. Social Studies was continued study of the Constitution and this week we begin learning about the Bill of Rights.

In other news we could use a class snack for people that forget theirs. For example a giant jar of animal crackers from sam's or anything you can donate.

Students will have Homework Mon- Thurs always unless I make a special occasion. This should take no more than 40 minutes to complete and in some cases much less than that. I would like students to read every night and I am sending home a calendar to record. If the record sheet comes back at the end of the month with the goal stated then the student will receive a coupon for a free personal pan pizza.

Have a great week Mr. Norman

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